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At the risk of stating the obvious, knowing exactly who is buried where is fundamental to effective plot management.
And while that’s a given, it’s not always ensured when using outdated or disjointed paper-based systems, along with old paper maps - the information contained therein being subject to discrepancies due to being manually overwritten, changes in record keeping over time, or being lost due to staff attrition.
Put simply, cemetery software such as PlotBox provides you with a clearer, more accurate view of your inventory and allows you to share and retrieve that information more readily and manage your space more efficiently. Without easy access to reliable information, cemetery operators may not only be managing their space less efficiently, but putting themselves at risk and limiting their future viability.
With that in mind, here are our top 5 benefits of cemetery software for effective plot management:
#1 Ensuring long-term viability
Like any organization, cemeteries need to plan for the future. Cemetery management software, with powerful reporting tools can provide data-driven insights into burial trends, occupancy types, preferences and rates of sale. These insights can help cemetery managers to remove guess work from implementing effective plot management strategies.
One way to make informed decisions about the future is having the ability to accurately forecast the rate at which you are running out of space. Cemetery software can provide live inventory updates, with reports that show run rates and clear sales comparisons by time period providing the insights needed to more accurately plan for the future.
#2 Space optimization
Related to our first benefit, effective plot management is vital for cemeteries facing the very real and present challenge of running out of space, combined with limited land resources.
Cemetery software can provide real-time updates on plot availability, occupancy, and as noted, insights on where and how quickly you’re selling them.
Digital maps linked to plot records showing status information provide the visibility cemeteries need to effectively optimize the space available and allocate plots strategically - preventing overuse in certain areas and underutilization in others.
In doing so, they can maximize the use of space, accommodating more families while maintaining a well-preserved and well-organized space. And having a clear picture of your space at any one time will also help to reduce the risk of building more inventory into a renovation project - such as using old pathways - than you actually have.
#3 Reduced Risk and Error Prevention
Speaking of risk - human error is inevitable, which is why plot management demands accuracy in all aspects of record-keeping, deeds, contracts, transactions, and documentation. Consider the huge impacts to families of mislocated burials or mis-sold plots due to manual administrative errors or conflicting information.
Cemetery software can significantly reduce the risk of these types of errors by providing a ‘single source of truth’ for plot management processes - that is, a single point of data entry, updated in real time and accessible by everyone, at the same time.
The integration of systems and information across functions ensures consistent and accurate record-keeping, reducing risk of discrepancies in plot ownership, burial locations, financial transactions, and other critical aspects of plot management.
#4 Increased efficiencies and resource management
Plot management relies on a wide range of records and data - from plot ownership details and burial histories, to risk management and maintenance schedules.
Retrieving and keeping track of this information manually can be time consuming, and as we know, prone to errors. Cemetery management software can offer a centralized digital platform where all data can be stored, organized, and easily accessed - eliminating the hassle of sifting through physical files and enabling instant retrieval of information, reducing time spent on admin tasks and eliminating the need for redundant data entry.
Another key challenge in plot management is resource allocation. From identifying available burial plots to task assignment - effective management requires careful planning. Cemetery software can offer real-time insights into exactly where work needs to be carried out, allowing maintenance schedules to be streamlined, and ensuring at all times staff know exactly where they need to be and when.
Cloud-based cemetery software also keeps your teams mobile, meaning grounds crew, armed with a tablet device can view and carry out work, such as risk assessments on site, then upload photos directly to each record - streamlining the entire process.
#5 Enhanced customer service and sales processes
Overall, these efficiencies provide more time for cemetery staff to focus on meaningful interactions with the families they serve, but along with this, there are a number of specific benefits in terms of customer service.
With digital maps providing enhanced, interactive plot visualizations along with status details, staff can quickly and easily provide information to families that will help them to make informed decisions that are aligned with their preferences.
In a similar way, this information made available to sales teams remotely with real time updates can remove barriers to sale and reduce the risk of mis-sold or double-sold plots.
Interactive digital maps, like those used in public portals such as Everafter also help families in locating the resting places of their loved ones, helping to create a more positive streamlined experience.
Discover the benefits of cemetery software for your cemetery.
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