Benefits of Digital Transformation for Cemeteries
There's a lot of talk about going digital & embracing technology, but why? Cemeteries have operated with current processes for decades so why the...
There's a lot of talk about going digital & embracing technology, but why? Cemeteries have operated with current processes for decades so why the...
13 reasons why your cemetery needs PlotBox - Cemetery management and mapping software.
The importance of reviewing cemetery software systems can be highly underestimated within organisations and is often deemed an unnecessary expense.
If your staff spend their days duplicating data entry, pulling together reports, looking up paper records, or colouring in maps, you have a problem!
Discover how cemeteries can connect with Millennials through digital innovation. Learn about online tools, social media, and digital marketing...
Explore the world of cemetery mapping with PlotBox's 'True' Digital Mapping solution and powerful GIS mapping.