These short and sharp risks make the case for change!
#1 The Hunt for Records
Considering the importance and sensitivity of your data, continuing to use hard copies for storing data and manual filing represents a significant risk. Even the most diligent and able staff are prone to error. We’re all human after all. A simple mistake such as colouring in the wrong plot on a paper map could cost any cemetery operator a lawsuit.
Moreover, there are numerous ways records could be damaged, lost or misplaced. If a fire or natural disaster occurred you could potentially lose all the records relating to your cemetery, and unfortunately if these were all stored on paper you’d be back to square one trying to get all the information recorded again.
#2 The Office Occupation
By continuing to record everything on paper, one of the biggest downfalls you’ll face is the amount of space manual document filing takes up in the office. Depending on the size of your cemetery you may have to dedicate a corner, half a room or in some cases an entire room just to fit all your records in!
Wouldn’t the efficiency of your team be increased if everything was digitally stored and available for access at the click of the button? More efficient team = more time to spend with the families you serve!
#3 The Time Suck
Are your staff spending excessive time hunting down records when attending to a family? Manual document filing is a very time consuming process which lowers staff productivity levels. We know first hand how long it previously took some of our clients to find the information they needed before they made the digital change and implemented PlotBox.
One Diocese explained to us that searching for a digital record in PlotBox is a quarter of time it would've taken them to get up and go a look for a manual record.
#4 The Security Breach
Record protection is a vital part of running a cemetery. If you’re responsible for cemetery records, we understand a big worry is protecting those records and preserving the history of the cemetery for future generations.
However if your records aren’t very secure if they’re still stored in filing cabinets or books which are way easier to access than records digitally stored in a system which requires a password and credentials to get into.
If you enjoyed this blog, you might want to check out this webinar recording:
Digital Change Management For Cemeteries: 10 Actionable Tips