Q&A with Katie Stanley

Read Project Manager, Katie Stanley's Q&A!

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We asked our Project Manager Katie to share some advice and insights into her career so far within the tech industry, check out what she has to say! 

What advice would you give your younger self/ what advice would you give to young people/ women starting their career?

The advice that I would give myself or any young person starting out in their career would be to be your own biggest champion. At times you’re going to feel like you’ve got imposter syndrome, or that you’re faking it, but get those thoughts out of your head! Keep asking all of the silly questions and making mistakes, because that’s how you learn and grow, and don’t ever feel that you’re done doing that. Trust your gut, it’s got you this far and it will continue to do so.  And I guess just be happy, make sure you’re happy in whatever it is that you do. 

How long have you been working in the tech industry?

I’ve been working in the tech industry for almost 10 years, which feels crazy to say as it feels like it’s been about 10 days.  It’s definitely not an industry that I thought I’d end up in; I’m that person on our team with an arts degree! But I’m so thankful that I did.  It’s challenging and it’s hard work, but it’s very rewarding at the end of the day and I learn something new all the time.

If you could choose 3 females to have dinner with (alive or dead) who would they be and why?

Three female who I would love to have dinner with would be; Jacinda Ardern from New Zealand,  I think she shows the world how running a country should be done and she seems to juggle it all very well.

Secondly would be Dolly Parton, because I’m just her biggest fan, I think she’s amazing in everything she does and such an inspiration.

And thirdly would be my wee granny, because I miss her every single day and I’d love to just have another chat with her.

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