Q&A with Heather Lenehan

Read Business Development Representative, Heather Lenehan's Q&A!

We asked our Business Development Representative, Heather Lenehan to share some advice and insights into her career in the death care sector so far and how she feels females within the industry can grow. Check out what she has to say!

What advice would you give young people (or young females) as they start their careers?

The advice I'd give to young women starting out in their career would be to work hard. Work hard, persevere, go for what you want, but be gentle with yourself because things won’t always go as planned, there will be hiccups, there will be times that it won’t go the way you wanted it to go but, what’s meant for you, won’t pass you by, so keep trying!

What do you love about working for PlotBox?

What I love about working at PlotBox is the open communication. You really feel like you’re listened to and you really feel like the ideas and suggestions or feedback is taken positively.

What is the best piece of career/work advice you've ever been given?

The best advice I got for my Career, or just really in life was from my Mum. She always taught me to go for what you want, to ask for what you want; because if you don’t ask for it, you’re never going to get it. If you don’t chance, you don’t dance. 

Heather is part of our sales team which we’re currently expanding! Check out our Business Development Representative role to find out more.


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