True digital mapping for cemeteries.

Revolutionize cemetery management with unparalleled precision.

Move beyond outdated maps. Our innovative technology offers the industry's first and only true digital mapping solution. Pioneering a cutting-edge verification process, we ensure unmatched accuracy for every inch of your cemetery grounds.

Key features.

Green tickbox

Available on any device 24/7

Green tickbox

Inventory audits

Green tickbox

View your plot status on map

Green tickbox

360 degree view of your cemetery

Green tickbox

Safety inspections for memorials

Green tickbox

Mapping reports

In-house expertise.

Unlike competitors, we don't outsource! When you choose PlotBox, you get a dedicated team of surveying and software specialists to ensure your project's success.


Adaptable solutions.

We understand cemeteries come in all shapes and sizes, with mapping history ranging from CAD drawings to hand-drawn sketches. No matter your starting point, PlotBox can work with your existing maps to create a seamless transition to digital.


Unmatched clarity.

Our high-resolution drone imagery captures a detailed mosaic of your entire cemetery, accurate to within 1-3 inches. We also offer 360° panoramic views and immersive mapping of mausoleums and columbaria, providing the most comprehensive visual representation of your facilities available.


Unparalleled data verification.

Our data verification process goes beyond simple mapping. It's a forensic audit of your entire inventory, ensuring a complete and unrivalled picture of your plots and their occupancy, all updated in real-time. This meticulous approach has helped cemeteries uncover millions in untapped revenue from previously unaccounted-for inventory.

Start your journey with us!

Schedule a discovery call, find out more or just start a conversation with us.

We're eager to discover and understand more about your cemetery.

If I had to make the same decision to go with PlotBox, I would still make that same decision. I want to re-emphasise that the assistance we’ve had from your Australian team has been a major factor in that level of satisfaction.”


What is the purpose of PlotBox mapping software?

The mapping software is designed to transform cemeteries by providing a detailed mosaic of the site using high-resolution imagery captured by drone technology. It offers a 360-degree view of the cemetery, allowing users to explore immersive mausolea and columbaria mapping options for a comprehensive understanding of the facilities.

How accurate is PlotBox mapping software?

The mapping software boasts an impressive accuracy of 1-3 inches. This high level of precision ensures that the detailed mosaic created by the software provides an accurate representation of the cemetery.

How does the drone technology work in capturing the imagery?

The drone technology utilised by our software captures high-resolution imagery of the cemetery. These drones are equipped with advanced cameras that capture aerial shots of the site from various angles, allowing for comprehensive coverage and detailed mapping

What are the benefits of using the mapping software for cemeteries?

By using our mapping software, cemetery owners and managers can gain unparalleled insight into their facilities. They can explore the cemetery in a 360-degree view, analyse immersive mausolea and columbaria mapping options, and understand the layout and organization of the site like never before. This software enables better planning, decision-making, and management of the cemetery.

Is the mapping software user-friendly?

Absolutely! Our mapping software is designed with ease of use in mind. It offers a user-friendly interface that allows cemetery owners and managers to navigate and explore the cemetery effortlessly. The intuitive controls and interactive features make it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.