Men's Health Month at PlotBox

Celebrate Men's Health Month with inspiring stories on powerlifting, photography, and cooking for mental health and well-being.

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June is National Men’s Health Month, a time to emphasize the importance of prioritizing health and well-being for men. As we celebrate this month, we highlight three PlotBox employees who serve as inspiring examples for men.

How has powerlifting helped keep your mental health in check? - Mark McClenaghan

I started powerlifting around 2017, so it's been about seven years now. What began as a simple intention to get stronger and look cool by tossing around some heavy circles has become an integral part of my physical and mental well-being. It was during the lockdown that I truly realised the impact powerlifting had on my life. 

With gyms closed and little to no access to equipment—especially powerlifting-specific bars etc—I greatly felt the effects.
Powerlifting is very goal-oriented. Whether it's hitting a specific number in the squat, bench, deadlift, or your total, or just chipping away at old personal bests, the sport teaches patience and resilience.

Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 09.56.30Progress, both mental and physical, is a gradual process. If you try to do too much too soon, you can get crushed—sometimes literally! The difference between a 200kg squat and a 202.5kg squat is astronomical. It's important to appreciate the small wins.
Staying organised with my powerlifting training and following a program helps me feel more organised in life. This organisation has countless positive impacts, including better performance at work and an overall improved mood. Powerlifting has truly become a cornerstone of my health and happiness.

What does Mens Mental Health Awareness mean to you? - Andrew Gault

The Pandemic brought many challenges to our lives. Seeing loved ones was a luxury, and exploring our beautiful landscapes was completely (and sadly!) absent from our free time. None of us want to go back to those days! During this bleak time, I promised myself that I would explore some of the most rewarding and stunning areas of our part of the world once the restrictions had lifted. And that’s what I did. There was just one thing missing though - how could I remember these places and have a snapshot to keep forever?

The answer was photography! I didn’t have any fancy setup so I experimented with the camera on my phone. I was surprised at the results, being able to capture these amazing landscapes with technology available to so many of us. 

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Landscape photography allows me to get out and explore everything that nature has to offer. Often, this means that I am discovering new places, or even rediscovering places by seeing them in a different light. It’s amazing how different a forest or coastline can look on a bright sunny day compared to a rainy day. Either way, the opportunity for some truly fantastic shots is always there.

The difference in my mental health since starting photography is like night and day! Getting out to admire and capture landscapes has been a fantastic way to clear the mind if I am ever feeling down. Marvelling at our ever-changing cloudscapes or fiery sunsets as a backdrop to our rugged hills and dramatic coastlines has been life-changing. Any worries in life quickly disappeared as I became engrossed in the scene in front of me. I also felt generally happier and healthier as a person too, as I discovered that the ability to capture awe-inspiring shots was inside me all along.

The best bit about photography is the simplicity of it all. I couldn’t believe at first how easy it was to get started. Anyone can take stunning shots with their phone camera, and no matter where you go or where you live, there is always something amazing to be captured!

How does cooking help you with your mental health? - Marc Lamb

It is an escape. Stepping away for a moment is always a good and healthy thing to do. For me, I also need to occupy my mind and build something or create something. And I love food! So for me, to take an afternoon and make a meal for family or friends is a perfect escape. 

If it is in the summer, it may be working the smoker, the grill and putting together a classic New England clambake or if it is in the winter, I enjoy making full roasted chickens or prime rib with all the fixings. I get some time to myself, get to create something delicious and then get to enjoy it with the people I made it for. Seeing them enjoy my cooking is very satisfying, so everyone wins.

If you are interested in joining a team that encourages good health and well-being behaviors, explore our available positions here.

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