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This is a meaningful opportunity to connect with members of the bereavement services community, share experiences, learn from others and support one another.

What our guests will cover:

  • Topic: Join ICCM Officers, alongside Dr. Jennifer Riley as she delves into her fascinating research project, 'Baggage for the Beyond,'  an exploration of grave goods in the UK today.
    Through this study, Dr. Riley aims to spark deeper conversations about how the UK approaches death, the personalization of funerals and memorials, environmental considerations, and the concept of the afterlife in our modern world.

  • Ask The Panel: There will be an opportunity for attendees to pose their own questions, and to join in with the discussions. 

  • Keeping The Sharing & Learning Going: Connect with bereavement services colleagues from across the country through a new dedicated forum, specifically curated for you to share and learn across any bereavement related topic.

Webinar Details 

Title:  'Baggage for the Beyond,' an exploration of grave goods in the UK today

Date: Thursday 30th January 2025

Time: 3:00pm GMT

Duration: 1 hour 

To register, simply leave us a few details in the form below 👇


Register For The Webinar

ICCM Webinar

Julie Dunk, ICCM


Sofia Allana, ICCM

Mat Mathew

Mathew Crawley, ICCM

ICCM Webinar

Dr Jennifer Riley, University of Aberdeen

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Moderator: Niall Adams, PlotBox