case study

Diocese of Stockton Case Study

Team PlotBox caught up with their clients at the Catholic Diocese of Stockton about their experience of implementing PlotBox in their cemeteries.


Outdated maps? Inefficient records? Struggling with inventory management?

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Team PlotBox caught up with clients at the Catholic Diocese of Stockton about their experience of implementing PlotBox in their cemeteries.

The Director, Albert Vigil, Assistant Director of Cemetery Operations, Jennifer Prieto and Cemetery Counsellor, Kathy Scott, kindly shared their thoughts with us.

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Tell us about your cemeteries and why you chose PlotBox? 

“We have 3 different sites and we are working on a fourth.

When I first got here we had one phone line, no fax, manual typewriters, we still do some work manually but we are headed forward.

I didn’t want a large company coming in.

You hear some of these horror stories where they give you gigantic packages at an enormous amount of money and you end up only using a little bit.

I was introduced to PlotBox and we were extremely happy with their presentation.”

Albert Vigil, Director

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Did you find the PlotBox presentation useful?

“We had a presentation here at the cemetery and it was really nice.

It seemed very user friendly, it had a great mapping system and seemed so easy to use, even for me because I’m not very tech friendly.

You could access records from one page.

Before with our other system you had to click different tabs to get to certain areas.

At times we have families who approach our man outside and they ask him for locations.

They would call our office, we’d have to get up, we’d have to go our records room and look it up manually.

Now when they call the computers right there, we just type in the name of the person and it pops up with location and there’s even a picture of the headstone which works out really well when we’re doing second burials.

It’s a quarter of the time it would take for us to get up and go and look.”

Jennifer Prieto, Assistant Director of Cemetery Operations

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Do you feel PlotBox helps make tasks easier?

“If you have incomplete information that you're trying to fill out, you can easily go into the computer and either find the information you need via plot number, a person’s name, deed holder, name of the deceased, it’s all tied together and that just makes it so much simpler.”

Kathy Scott, Counsellor

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How did staff react to learning a new system?

“We have done manual record keeping for so many years that a lot of us in the office were nervous about switching over to computer.

It has been a smooth transition and if we run into snags due to our ignorance, they’re right there to help us through it.”

Kathy Scott, Counsellor

Do you find the customer support efficient?

“The tech support has been excellent.

You can immediately access anyone that is on call, you just click on a button, type in your questions and you get an immediate response.

All cemeteries don’t operate the same way, you’re not all going to have the same needs but there are so many features to the programme that I think there is something for everyone in it.”

Kathy Scott, Counsellor


What did you want the most from PlotBox?

“We went for Enterprise because we do have 2 other cemeteries.

The mapping was something that we really wanted.

We’ve never had mapping in our computers before.

It wasn’t the cheapest package but it was completely worth it! T

he more we use it the more we realize the benefits of what we’re getting completely outweigh the costs of what we paid.

Jennifer Prieto, Assistant Director of Cemeteries

If you found this customer success story interesting, you might also want to find out what Dave Massey of Park View Cemetery has to say about PlotBox!

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