PlotBox Blog

Optimize Cemetery Operations with CRM

Written by Graeme Arthur | 8/10/23 3:57 PM

In a nutshell, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the technologies and strategies a company will use to manage and analyse their interactions with individual and potential customers.

Most often, when people talk about CRM they're usually referring to a CRM system, a tool that assists with the management of contacts, sales, productivity and more.

So, why would a cemetery need a CRM?

#1 To Increase Pre-Need Sales!

Indeed...a great CRM, with enhanced features can track the customer's entire lifecycle, enabling you to stay connected, streamline the entire process and even increase revenue!

Never lose a prospect or miss a follow up.

#2 Accurate Sales Forecasting

Data presented in a clear, easy-to-read format, giving you an overview of all activities and results of the individual sales team’s efforts.

Know what tactics are working and what’s not.

Be able to predict sales based on season, events, and much more.

#3 Visibility! Don’t Lose Prospects

Increase visibility on how the company and particularly how your sales team are performing.

Without it, you're running blind.

You may have a clog in your sales funnel or you could be losing prospects because some sale staff don’t have the right follow-up techniques.

What if a salesperson leaves or goes on sick leave?

Do you get their little black book of sales leads?

#4 Retain High Quality Salespeople

Without a CRM, retaining high quality salespeople could be a risk.

GREAT sales people love visibility and metrics.

To get the best, you need to invest in the best tools to support them.

#5 Improve Relationships

CRM will also help to improve relationships and outreach with individual people.

Leads tied with records will tell a better story.

For example you can segment your customers and communicate with them using added value information, such as where their relatives are buried and if there’s available space nearby.

If a prospect isn’t ready to buy you could be sending them marketing information to keep the connection.

If you found this blog interesting you should also check out our latest eBook:

The 7 Best CRM Features For Cemeteries